Is my information confidential?

Yes. The Pebble Partnership respects your privacy. All registrant/applicant information, including names and personal information, will remain confidential and never publicly shared.

Why did the Pebble Partnership develop the Pebble Performance Dividend?

The Partnership is committed to responsible development and creating opportunities for local communities. The Pebble Performance Dividend creates a way for residents of Bristol Bay to share in the profits generated from the responsible operation of a mine at the Pebble Deposit.

Who qualifies for the Pebble Performance Dividend?

Individuals enrolling in the program must maintain their primary permanent residence in the Bristol Bay region, which must be established and verified for 12 months prior to the enrollment date. Participants must be at least 18 years old and intend to remain as a long-term resident of the Bristol Bay region.

Which communities qualify?

Aleknagik, Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Clark’s Point, Dillingham, Egegik, Ekuk, Ekwok, Igiugig, Iliamna, Ivanof Bay, King Salmon, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Levelock, Manokotak, Naknek, Newhalen, New Stuyahok, Nondalton, Pedro Bay, Perryville, Pilot Point, Portage Creek, Port Alsworth, Port Heiden, South Naknek, Togiak, Twin Hills, Ugashik

Is there an age requirement?

Yes, permanent residents of the Bristol Bay region must be 18-years-of-age or older and an emancipated individual.

How will the Pebble Performance Dividend be structured?

As the first several years of development will not yield profits, there will be a minimum $3,000,000 annual fund payment for distribution among all eligible participants during that time.

  • For example, 3,000 registered participants equal an estimated $1,000 dividend per person

  • Estimated dividend allotments will vary depending on the number of annual participants

  • Once capital costs have been recovered, recipient income will equal 3% Net Profit Interest (NPI)

  • There are no capital contributions required by eligible participants for construction or operations

  • It is anticipated that annual distributions will begin once mine construction begins

Who manages the Pebble Performance Dividend?

The Pebble Performance Dividend will be overseen by a regional Advisory Board of nine people initially selected by the Pebble Partnership (PLP). A new board will be elected one year after production begins. Click here for more details and a list of current Advisory Board members.